Sunday, August 4, 2013

I don't know about Taylor Swift, but we're feeling 32

I turned 31 a week ago on the 28th and Elise turned one a few days later on the 31st. So WE are now 32! I took her in for her one week well child check on Friday. I can remember so well taking her for her well child checks when she was first born. I can remember the feeling of those first weeks of being a mom. Elise was 5 lbs 5 oz when she was born, so small! I kept wishing for her to be bigger so that I would feel less nervous about her. Yet, when it came time to put her newborn sized clothes away that was a very sad moment for me. She will never be that small again! When I think back on my life there isn't anything, no matter how much I enjoyed it, that I would want to go back and do again, except for the first year of Elise's life. Or maybe just the first 6 weeks! I would like to go back and do it again knowing what I know now and just be able to enjoy it. There was such a different feel to it. We lived on the couch in the front room for those first 6 weeks. She slept a lot! I spent all those naps reading The Spook's Apprentice series and watching White Collar, which my mother got me onto when she stayed a week after Elise was born. I'm grateful that Elise is 1. She is so happy and so much fun and it's fun to see her learn new things and get new teeth and change so much so quickly, but it has been a year learning to appreciate things as they are now. So perhaps I should spend more time appreciating the here and now with Elise instead of wishing for one more chance to have her as a newborn again! Yet I still find myself looking forward to when she can walk and talk and be potty trained and take care of herself! Oh, will I ever really learn??

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