Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Frozen--Some people are worth melting for

A while back I read a blog written by a lady who said that the movie Frozen is pro-gay. She was very disgusted with it and gave a lot of examples from the movie. Soon after reading that I watched the movie--not because of the blog--but while I watched it I looked for these examples she gave. I didn't see them. This morning I watched Frozen with my little girl. Today my heart is tender and so not only did the movie make me cry several times but I was able to see a deeper message in the movie.

Frozen is about love.

The first thought that came to me is if Elsa and her powers were a hidden message of being gay, then what we should take from that isn't disgust but that Elsa's parents went about things the wrong way. If we tell our children that who they are is bad and they need to hide it and suppress it, that will only cause problems. They will learn to live in fear and mistrust and not feel that they are loved for who they are. They should be loved and accepted for who they are and not taught to hide. Parents should help children learn how to properly handle their feelings and how to deal with them. Now I'm not trying to start controversy or say that we should all start supporting gay marriage. What I'm saying is that we should love people! And teach our children to love themselves not to hide who they are. We can love and accept people without having to love and accept everything that they do. And that goes beyond being gay.

I'd never really listened to the words to the song "Fixer Upper," when the rock trolls are singing about how Kristoff isn't perfect but love can fix that. But I did today and there are a couple of really good lines in this song.The first one I liked was this...

"So he's a bit of a fixer-upper,
but this we're certain of
You can fix this fixer-upper
Up with a little bit of love!"

I think that being shown love can go a long way to helping someone. Love can heal and bring out the best in someone. My absolutely favorite line is at the end....

"We're not sayin' you can change him,
'Cause people don't really change.  (I'm so glad they threw that in there!)
We're only saying that love's a force
That's powerful and strange.
People make bad choices if they're mad,
Or scared, or stressed.
Throw a little love their way.
Throw a little love their way.
And you'll bring out their best.
True love brings out the best!
Everyone's a bit of a fixer-upper,
That's what it's all about!"

People do make bad choices when they're not feeling up to par. Loving them when we know they aren't being themselves helps a lot. Nobody is perfect, but if you love them it helps fill in their cracks.

When Anna needed an act of true love and she thought that being kissed by Hans who was supposed to be her true love would save her, I wondered why the other acts of true love she was shown didn't heal her. Kristoff showed love to her when he acted immediately to take her to another man to heal her. Olaf showed love when he went looking for her and braved the fire to help her. Not that he really knew the dangers that the fire posed to him, but when he said "some people are worth melting for" didn't that just melt your heart and make you want to put it on a sign and hang it somewhere?? 

Anna's heart had been frozen and she needed an act of true love to thaw/change it. What she didn't realize was that she needed to perform the act of true love to change and thaw her own heart. Others' love helps a lot and can help get us to where we need to be so we can change, but only we can change our own hearts. Loving others and serving them is the way to keep our hearts warm and open not just to others but to God, as well. 

It's a dual process, we both need to love and to be loved. 

A more important hidden message that I got from Frozen is that if our children don't feel loved or know that they are loved they will be desperate for it and may find it in unsavory places and unsavory ways.This actually applies to people of all ages. Anna didn't know love and was lonely and she thought she found true love with Hans and was terribly wrong. She also didn't recognize the love shown to her by Kristoff. That's something to think about. 

I don't care if the creators of Frozen did or didn't mean it to be pro-gay, overall the movie is about love and teaches some great lessons that all children and people should learn. And it has so many applications. The song "Let it Go" is extremely popular and I know I'm not the only one who gets sick of it, but it's a good reminder to let things go.

So let it go and love someone!! Because everyone is worth melting for to God.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Because of the easiness of the way...

The other day I was complaining to a dear friend that it would be nice if something was easy for once! I had gotten my hopes up, thought it would be and then, of course, was sorely disappointed. I had thought this same thought to myself a few times but when I voiced--or rather texted--that thought about easiness to someone else, a phrase started running through my head: "Because of the easiness of the way..." After I heard it a few times, and admitted that I was being taught something, I started to search through the scripture stories in my head to place the phrase. I wasn't sure which part of the scriptures it was in but I knew that the way being easy wasn't a good thing.

After searching the actual scriptures I found the phrase in Alma 37:46. "...do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way..." The verse was referring to when the people of Israel were attacked by poisonous serpents in the wilderness and some of them wouldn't look at the snake on the staff and be healed because it was too easy.

The Pride Cycle is seen many times in the Book of Mormon. God's people follow the commandments, the prosper, then the start to get prideful and then they fall away.

So while easy is...well, easy, it's not always the best thing. I know that when things are going well I have to work harder and be intentional about reading my scriptures and making my prayers meaningful and inviting the Spirit into my day.

Along with those easy times I have known difficult times. I have had to wait and work for a lot of things in my life. I have known heartache and frustration.

Before I had Elise I had a miscarriage. It was hard to get pregnant that first time and even more difficult to get pregnant with Elise. And then I was on bed rest with Elise hoping that I wouldn't miscarry again. That was the hardest thing I have ever been through. The way to having Elise was the longest, most painful and most difficult way I have every traveled.

But I would never take it back.

Because of the difficulty of the way...

I came to know God.
I learned patience, faith, hope and trust in my Heavenly Father.
I learned that He does have a plan for me and it is better than I could ever dream to imagine.
I learned that His timing is worth waiting for, no matter how much I hate the waiting.
I became stronger, emotionally and spiritually.
I learned a lot about God, myself and about getting pregnant.
I learned empathy.
I learned that everyone's story and experience is different.
I learned that I can get through anything with the Lord.
I learned that He wants me to be happy, and for that purpose he gives me tender mercies every day.
I learned that there is a purpose for what happens, no matter how bad it is.
I learned the blessings of tithing.
I learned to prepare.
I learned to make the most of the time spent waiting.
I learned to cherish 1 Nephi.
I learned that things will work out if I do all I can and have faith.
I learned that God fulfills His promises.

If the way had been easy I wouldn't have learned any of that. So I can say with sincerity that I would not give that trial away. It is mine, along with all of the blessings I received along the way. I still enjoy those blessings to this day.

That doesn't mean that I want things to be hard, I really wish they would be easy! But at least when hard times comes I know what to do and I know that I can do it. All I have to do is stop complaining, turn to God and put on my eternal perspective.

Whatever hard path you are going down, no matter how endless it looks, I know that with God you can make it through and you will be stronger and wiser for it. Trust in Him. Put your faith in Him and He will not let you down. In the end you will receive blessings far greater than you could ever have thought to ask for. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will get there.