Monday, August 25, 2014

If you want something right!

So tonight is Monday, which means Family Home Evening! We're not perfect at FHE but we do try. After a great talk in Sacrament meeting yesterday I felt that a change was needed. So we discussed it last night and decided to start tonight. I thought we were doing a great job with our new FHE until Elise got super whiney and I got super frustrated with her and then I got frustrated with Cody and just had a general feeling of frustration and irritation. And then I realized that what I was experiencing wasn't just me having a bad day or being a bad person, it was opposition. Opposition to the FHE that we were trying to have. Opposition to the right that we were choosing. Which tells me that we were doing something right! Why else would Satan want to ruin our simple night? So what are we going to do next Monday? Have FHE! Even though tonight wasn't a stellar success we are going to keep trying. Sometimes it's nice to have a little bit of opposition to let you know that you're on the right track ;)