Thursday, October 10, 2013

Timing and Tender Mercies

Heavenly Father is big on timing. I'm big on having what I want right now! Or not ever having to do what I don't want to do. So you could say that sometimes we clash. But then there are those moments when everything comes together and you know that it was because of God's timing and you know that it was just for you and that He loves you. I had one of those moments this morning. I'm not going to go into details, but one moment I was having a hard time and the next second, before things could get worse, God was there at the perfect time telling me that He was there and He knew and He understood and that He was with me. It was such a small thing, but it was exactly what I needed, it was....perfect. Afterwards, when I was saying my morning prayers, I won't give up by Jason Mraz came into my head, and again I knew that He was there and I felt the Spirit so strongly. Even though I get impatient and I want to throw tantrums and throw around words such as "fair," I am so thankful for the timing of the Lord and I'm thankful that He doesn't give into my timing no matter how unreasonable I am. And even more that He continues to love me and care for me and want the best for me when I lose sight of eternity and falter in trusting Him. Mostly I'm just so thankful for Him <3