Wednesday, October 16, 2013


My house is so much cleaner and feels so much better and I feel like I'm doing less work instead of more. I love it! Yesterday was my "clean the kitchen" day. After I put the babe down for her nap I came downstairs to clean the kitchen but lo and was already mostly clean! The dishes were done and I had wiped the counters down the night before. So what did I do?? I took the opportunity to organize my kitchen cupboards and I loved it! Then I took a little bit of time to sanitize the counter tops and sweep the floor and voila! I was done and my cupboards were organized, which is something I've been meaning to get to for a while. Tonight I told Cody that he was in charge of dishes which pretty much consisted of the crock pot, our plates and like one or two other random dishes. He keeps telling me that the house feels so much better.

Of course I'm not getting to bed on time like I want steps :)

1 comment:

  1. I am not as good as you are in making goals and keeping them but I am trying to follow you and Krystal's example. This past Monday I didn't really set out to do any major projects or anything but I did have enough energy to start my "Monday" good so I started some laundry and other chores I had been postponing I just kept going and going without even thinking about it and next thing I new I had accomplished more than I even thought of doing that day!! =) and it actually has rolled over to Tuesday and Wednesday! =) It sure feels good doesn't it?? THANKS FOR THE EXAMPLE AND MOTIVATION!!
