Monday, September 9, 2013

Catching up with myself

I don't know why but I seem to always be sooo busy. Plus I've lost my mind and can't remember anything. So the last couple of times I blogged, I blogged more than one entry. I have so much going on in my head that I want to get down and I don't always have the time to blog what's in my head when I want to, so when I finally get a chance-and remember to do it-I usually end up blogging my brains out!! Which results in multiple entries. So, I hope that doesn't turn anyone off. One of my many goals is to blog more frequently so as to now have this happen.

What do you do to make time to blog?


  1. I blog during nap or bed time! :) I am like you and have several things going on my head so I will get on when i get a chance and start a couple posts with the title so i remember what I want to blog about and then go back as i have time and write. Does that make sense? I also space them out. Sometimes I will have 2 posts ready to publish but i publish one wait a few days and publish the other..I dont mind.I like something new to read every day :)

  2. Yay, you can comment!! That makes my day :) I do that, too. I have a few entries just with titles or a little typed in them just sitting as drafts. I was thinking that same thing yesterday, to write them and then publish them one at a time over the space of a few days. Thanks, sista!

  3. Well I hope you both don't wait too long to post cuz I LOVE TO READ BOTH BLOGS!!! and I get disappointed when I don't find anything knew! ;-)

  4. I'm going to start posting ransom posts that just say "Bueno!" and "Como esta?" And you'll know they're just for you, Aida ;)
