Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bad Day

The other day I had a bad day. Emotionally I felt raw, like Satan had been following me around with a cheese grater all day. By the end of the day I was done. After praying that night, I realized that I hadn't read my scriptures that day. It was late and I was tired so I pulled out my scriptures and started reading the highlighted verses on the first page I turned to. I wasn't expecting to get much out of my brief and thoughtless study session and then I read the first part of Isaiah 51:12.

"I, even I, am he that comforteth you."

My Savior is the one who comforts me. Even Him. On days that I feel like Satan is there, I need to remember that my Savior is also there, putting Himself in between me and that cheese grater, so that it's easier to bare. He knows exactly how I feel. He is always there. He is there listening to me pray at the end of a bad day, and guiding my scripture study, so that I can get out of it exactly what I need at that moment. He is amazing. And I matter to Him. He is intentional in the way that He cares for me and loves me and is there for me. He knows what is coming, He knows who I am, He knows my heart and that my intentions are good but sometimes I just mess up. He knows when and why I hurt and how that feels and He knows how to comfort every little hurt, individually. He knows, and He is there. And He, even the Savior of the world, is He that comforteth me. And I matter to Him. And at the end of the day, that's what should matter to me. I love Him and I am so grateful for Him and for the knowledge that He is always there, and He cares.

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