Friday, August 28, 2015

Healing and Heroes: If you knew you would be healed

I’ve been watching “Heroes” with the Hubley. I never watched it when it was originally airing but now I’m watching it—thank you Netflix—so that I can watch “Heroes Reborn” in the fall.

*Possible “Heroes” spoilers*

In the episode that we were watching last night, one of the characters—whose power is that he is nuclear—was having a nuclear episode and burning up the house he was in so everyone had to leave or be burned to death. The nuclear guy could be stopped with a tranquilizer but the person giving it to him was not going to survive.

Enter Claire, whose power is that her body heals itself. She gave him the tranquilizer which stopped his episode and saved everyone else.

When Claire walks out of the house she is severely burned but is regenerating as she walks until she is whole. As I watched that I had the thought:

“What would you do if you knew that you would heal?”

And then I thought about the Atonement.

What would you do if you knew you would be healed?

Every word that came from the mouth of God?

If I could stand at the brink of a trial and know that I would survive, that I will be healed, how much more willing would I be to unquestioningly follow the path the Lord has set before me?
But Claire didn’t start out running into such fatal situations. She had to learn that she would survive them until experience taught her without a doubt that no matter what, she would be healed.
We learn the same way, line upon line, experience by experience. Because of trials I have been through in the past, small at first and then gradually bigger and harder trials, I know that I can walk through very difficult trials and survive. And not only that, but my Savior will walk through it with me. He will heal me as I go, sometimes just enough so that I can keep going, but if I keep trusting in Him and keep moving forward, eventually I will make it out, and be stronger for it.
Sometime the purpose of the trial—or burning house—is to teach us that He is there, and the Atonement is real and will heal us. It is to teach us that we can trust Him and He will heal us.
And as we walk through the fire with Him not only will He heal us but we will come to know Him. 

And that is the most precious gift.

We can be healed of every wound, whether it is self-inflicted our caused by others. We will come out on the other end of this life whole.

How else could we have been brave enough to come to this earth, to live these hard lives, if we didn’t have a Savior?

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