Wednesday, October 16, 2013


My house is so much cleaner and feels so much better and I feel like I'm doing less work instead of more. I love it! Yesterday was my "clean the kitchen" day. After I put the babe down for her nap I came downstairs to clean the kitchen but lo and was already mostly clean! The dishes were done and I had wiped the counters down the night before. So what did I do?? I took the opportunity to organize my kitchen cupboards and I loved it! Then I took a little bit of time to sanitize the counter tops and sweep the floor and voila! I was done and my cupboards were organized, which is something I've been meaning to get to for a while. Tonight I told Cody that he was in charge of dishes which pretty much consisted of the crock pot, our plates and like one or two other random dishes. He keeps telling me that the house feels so much better.

Of course I'm not getting to bed on time like I want steps :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Project 7 am -- Day 5

I did it! I made it through five days of waking up at 7 am and it was worth it!! I am so glad I did it and I will keep doing it! Sunday night I will start Project 11 pm, in which I strive to be IN BED and ready to go to sleep by 11 pm. Wish me lots and lots and lots and LOTS of luck!!

What goals are you working on and what do you do to motivate yourself to keep at it??

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Timing and Tender Mercies

Heavenly Father is big on timing. I'm big on having what I want right now! Or not ever having to do what I don't want to do. So you could say that sometimes we clash. But then there are those moments when everything comes together and you know that it was because of God's timing and you know that it was just for you and that He loves you. I had one of those moments this morning. I'm not going to go into details, but one moment I was having a hard time and the next second, before things could get worse, God was there at the perfect time telling me that He was there and He knew and He understood and that He was with me. It was such a small thing, but it was exactly what I needed, it was....perfect. Afterwards, when I was saying my morning prayers, I won't give up by Jason Mraz came into my head, and again I knew that He was there and I felt the Spirit so strongly. Even though I get impatient and I want to throw tantrums and throw around words such as "fair," I am so thankful for the timing of the Lord and I'm thankful that He doesn't give into my timing no matter how unreasonable I am. And even more that He continues to love me and care for me and want the best for me when I lose sight of eternity and falter in trusting Him. Mostly I'm just so thankful for Him <3

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Project 7 am -- Day 3

Day 3! For three days in a row I have woken up at 7 am, read my scriptures and exercised! I'm feeling pretty good about that :) I'm so proud of myself! And I checked out the Fly Lady today. I got some good ideas, I just need to spend some more time on the website and decide what I like and want to incorporate into the routine that I am already working on. All in all it was a pretty good day. I can't wait to see what is in store for tomorrow!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Project 7 am -- Day 2

I did it again! I woke up at 7 am and prayed and read my scriptures and it felt so good! And it was easier to wake up this morning than it was yesterday. I just have to remind myself that the benefits of scriptures and prayer far outweigh the benefit of sleeping another 30 minutes. My day wasn't as great but it was still good. Today was my day to foam roll and just stretch and stretching is not something I am great at. I ran out of time to do the full stretching I wanted to do but I do feel like a made a little bit of progress with my stretching.  Good news is I can try again Thursday! Leese and I went to Vernal today. It was nice to get out and get a few things done but when I got home a few things happened and I let myself get frustrated, which is what made my day not as good as yesterday. But I turned it around and I'm ready to try again tomorrow. Regardless of how my day went, I know that waking up at 7 am is what I need to be doing and that I'm being blessed for it. And even if I have a really bad day at least I took time to talk to God and to let Him talk to me by reading my scriptures so no matter how bad my day is, it's better than it could have been because I made time for Him.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Project 7 am -- Day 1

I really struggle with organization. After 14 months of being home with Elise I am still trying to figure out a schedule that works. I"ll spare you 14 months of details and skip ahead to last week. Last week I decided that what I need to do is wake up before Elise does and pray and read my scriptures instead of waiting until she goes down for her first nap to do those things. Which means I have to wake up at 7 am and I am not a morning person. I also struggle with going to bed early enough to get enough sleep, so this a double whammy on both sides. I didn't get to bed as early as I wanted to last night so when Cody's alarm went off at 7 am I wasn't so sure whether I'd be going back to bed or sticking with my goal, but I did! And it felt amazing!! And the rest of my day went great, too! I got everything done on my to-do list that was important and I even got a few extra things done! And even though I didn't get a full 8 hours of sleep I wasn't tired, I had enough energy all day. Well, until now, I am pretty tired now, but I'm hoping that will help me get to bed earlier and fall asleep easier so that I can get enough sleep tonight! But I'm not holding my breathe on that one. Half the battle was succeeding today, the other half of the battle will be not letting my guard down tomorrow because I did so well today. Wish me luck!!